No Right-Click Script


By Jo-Ellen
21" x 31"
Color Pencil

Product Status:

"This was perhaps one the most fun works I've done recently. 'Aquatica" is admittedly a 'show off' piece as much as it is anything else. By that I mean that everything in it has a 'go for it' mentality. All the details were done to the last possible degree without losing focus. And every shape, texture was included just to see how much I could squeeze into one piece without pushing it too the point that it doesn't 'work'. It's an ego piece, I would say." Jo-Ellen's inspiration for the work came from environmental concerns. "I have always adored, and more over, admired nature. (not to mention it's influences on us, and ours on nature). From my perspective nature is too broad a topic to tackle in one piece. I say that because it's like defining all things known and unknown in one work.". Jo-Ellen's Aquatica' represents the struggle of environmental salvation. "The 'warrior' is worn in his quest to protect his world. The environs are vibrant because it's a secluded and untapped section of his world. His solace comes from knowing this place and having a stewardship towards it. The mutual respect of creature and environs is what allows this world to thrive. He maintains dignity here. In dignity there is always hope. In hope, there is glory, hence the gold trim on his 'steed'." Please feel free to contact/question/comment the artist via :

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Ah, Pas de Deux | Drakken! | Once Upon | Aquatica | Beyond Echoes | Forlorn
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