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"Ah, Pas de Deux"

By Jo-Ellen
12" x 16"
Color Pencil

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'Ah, Pas de Deux' is actually French. The title comes from the technical ballet term 'Pas de Deux', which is a 'dance for two persons'. The term sounds elegant, and describes precisely what the piece is attempting to depict. In truth, it's about that moment when 'fools rush in'. (The moment that hopefully two people have of sharing and expressing their love for each other when they realize, both of them, that nothing comes between them.) It's a rare moment. Sometimes it only lasts but briefly. Yet, that is the definition of this piece. That precise second in time when only our lover is worthy of our attention. The woman holds no fear in expressing her passions. The man, drops everything. The brief case belonging to the man lay on the ground open while his 'important' papers are in a chaotic state. The papers, the work, and their inhibitions have no meaning to them. In a strange sense, it's a rather innocent moment between two people...because they dare to ignore the realities of the world to acknowledge that their passions take precedence over all other possible distractions.". Please feel free to contact/question/comment the artist via :

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Elemental | Hallowed | Leo Rising | Menace or Merciful | Ah, Pas de Deux | America Go Round
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