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"Menace Or Merciful"

By Jo-Ellen
18" x 24"
Acrylic Paints

Product Status:

This is an early work created over a decade ago. "Often in my works, I attempt to leave the outcome un-answered. 'Menace Or Merciful' is a prime example of this action. The work allows the viewer to decide what will or will not occur. It's my version of the glass is half-full vs. half-empty battle that people engage in. Thus, 'Menace' is a blatant confrontation for the viewer to decide whether or not the impending meeting between the woman warrior & the creature will result in friendship or doom. Is this creature her form of transportation? Is it possible a new 'friend' under the guise of foe. Or is it truly an enemy to be dealt with? Sometimes in life, it is difficult to interpret where people truly stand in relationships.(be it work, friends, loved ones) That's what this piece represents. Sometimes in these relationships, we let our guard down. (represented by woman's weapon placed on the ground).She is left-handed and is obviously injured badly on her left arm(which she is attending too). So, any actions she takes concerning this approaching creature must be the correct choice. (which also plays to the meaning of a later work, 'Hallowed').The purpose is to test the viewers thoughts about what's actually happening in this work.". Jo-Ellen's inspiration for this earlier work came from social interactions in life. Please feel free to contact/question/comment the artist via :

Featured In Gallery 2

Elemental | Hallowed | Leo Rising | Menace or Merciful | Ah, Pas de Deux | America Go Round
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