How did This Page Come to Be?


Some time in December '94, after having made my own page a couple of months previously, I realized that the A.T. was homeless and that it would be fun to put up a page for the Trail. (I added this comment to my own home page which now causes it to appear in some of the web search engines when one searches on the word "homeless.") I have spent a fair amount of time over the past few years volunteering in the ATC office in Harpers Ferry, and also out in the woods doing some plant inventorying, and just decided to round up some information and put it here on the WWW. So, on January 5, 1995, the first version of the page went online.

Since the page first went up, it has expanded quite a bit, in large part, thanks to people who have visited the page, and then volunteered to provide various things or be included in the write a hiker section. I'm grateful to all, and so, I'm sure, are the people making use of the page. Thanks especially are due to Andy Hiltz, who scanned the map and logo; Judy Birmingham, who then bitmapped the map and tied Gerry's postcards to it, as well as making Marshall DeBerry's photos available, in addition to providing the white blaze picture; Gerry Gladu for making his postcards available; David Bailey for sending in his file of detailed advice; and to all those who volunteered to be on the "Write a Hiker" section.

--Kathy Bilton P.O. Box 886 Shepherdstown, WV 25443, May 11, 1995

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