ATC Silent Auction at Maine '97

Good Day, electronic A.T. Lovers !

As some of you have read, ATC is having its first ever silent auction, to coincide with its biennial meeting up in Sunday River, ME during its August 1-8, 1997 meeting. Proceeds have been earmarked for the Stewardship Fund, an endowment established to provide perpetual basic funding for Trail-management programs.

The theme for this auction is "Gifts of the Heart". We all possess interests, talents and activities which we are passionate about and it is these things we are asking you to consider sharing not only for ATC's benefit, but also for the lucky person who wins your item. A few years back I was stone broke, couldn't afford an extra cent to a charity I work with, and decided to offer a three day backpacking trip for 2, complete with all equipment and food, to their silent auction. It brought in $400, MUCH MUCH more than I could ever have given (even if I wasn't broke). Where I thought I was blessing the organization, I ended up not only blessing the couple who "bought" my package, but I was blessed with the fact that 3 years later this couple have become close friends. Plus, the experience was so fun that I offer the package 2 times a year for different organizations I belong to. For ATC's auction I'm sharing 2 other passions in my life - baking ( a year's worth of baked sweet goods), and quilting (a wall hanging). The anticipation and wonderment of who's going to receive the items is as exciting as the actual event and planning itself.

So how does it work? Via email, give me your name and address where I can send you a pledge form for a service, item, time, or whatever you'd like to donate. We do ask that your goods be considered new or never-used, with such obvious exceptions as collectibles or antiques. Pledges must be received by December 31, 1996 to be included in the catalog, which will be distributed in the March/April 1997 ATN, along with the registration packet for the week-long conference. If you're not an ATC member and would like to receive a catalog, please let me know and one will be sent when available. You do not need to be at Maine 1997 to bid on items or donate them- you can do it all by regular mail. A listing of the auction items will be listed in March or April 1997 on WWW, which is the same time bidding will commence. Bidding will close July 15, 1997 via US mail, and in Maine on August 2, 1997.

We've received some exciting offerings : a week of salmon fishing in Canada, complete with food,lodging, guide and equipment; stays at B&Bs; artwork in the form of sculptures, quilts, stained glass, paintings, wall hangings, wreaths, Christmas ornaments; landscaping work; law and vet services; vegetarian dinner for 5, piano lessons for a year; airplane ride... the list goes on and on. The offerings are as unique and diverse and interesting as the individuals themselves. I warmly invite you to share a part of yourself with our auction. It not only is a wonderful gift for ATC but also a legacy to our future children and hikers.

Any questions? Contact me at (304) 725-0751 or email :

--Jan Skadberg

P.S. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions about how to make the auction a real success, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Here's the list of items which is now on the ATC page.

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